A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 1. (1957)

KOREK József: A vadnai neolitikus sírlelet

A VADNAI NEOLITIKUS SÍRLELET 25 The finds in the Vadna-grave raise the problem of relation between Bükk cul­ture and linear pottery. F. Tampa regarded the so-called proto-Bükk linear pottery a transitory type leading to Bükk Culture The analysis of the materials in many places of discovery snowed that Tompa's proto-Bükk type appears miixedly with the Bükk I —II —III. types right on this area. According to the author's opinion Bükk HI. is not an antecedance of the Bükk textile style and the Tisza culture did not develop from this. Bükk III. is such a heterogeneous style in which the features of linear pottery exist, and are enriched with the varieties of the textile style of Tisza culture. The Bükk culture undoubtedly evolved from the spiral ornamented and linear pottery with a decoration characteristic only to a closed local area. The significance of the Vadna urnfield is emphasised by the facts that the features of linear pottery are imost distinctly represented by the material of the grave and settlement, ibut they appaer imixedly with the wares of Bükk culture, as everywhere in the fields belonging to the lowland culture-circle of the Bükk. The finds of the Vadna grave and settlement confirms the statement, that the features of linear pottery and the elements of the Toanpa-Bükk III. come forth mixedly and the ornamental elements do not mean a garde of evolution. The patterns may 'be attached rather to certain shapes and are the characteristic and repeated ornamen­tal ways of a certain shape. The mixedness of elements show that the three cultures existed side by side and some forms preserved the elements of linear pottery in ornamental peculiarties for a long time even at a period when the textile style took hold of ground in some forms.

