Begovácz Rózsa – Burján István – Vándor Andrea: Folk Art in Baranya County (Pécs, 2008)


Bosnian women in Pécsudvard. 1924, photograph by E. Zsabakorszky unfortunately lead to the corruption of aesthetical quality despite the fact that much more work and money was devoted to these clothes than in the former years. The use of manufactured fabrics became more and more frequent. Womens' shirts of Bosnians around Pécs and of Sokac in the villages and in Mohács have the same cuts. They are shirts with long, wide sleeves sewn next to the neck, with wide cuffs, shirred at the elbow. They are embroidered usually on the sleeves, on the shoulders, vertically on the front and the back, and around the neck. In the earlier years all three groups preferred the so-called high embroidery of Baranya, which was replaced by a colourful, large, freely-drawn embroidery between the two wars. Bosnians around Pécs used blue, red, yellow and green as complementary colours to contour patterns beside the dominant black. Bosnians used metallic thread as well in the beginning of the 20 t h century, mainly on headdresses of the old type and on woven belts. 63

