Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 4. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1976)

S. Bökönyi: Szarmata lelőhelyek állatcsont leletei Bács-Kiskun megyéből

Pig — Sus ser of dorn. h,. Mandible Kunszállás— Kunszentmiklós ­Alkotmány Tsz Bak ér 74.1.186 Height at P — Height at M x Length of row of teeth (I x — M 3 ) — Length of incisor row Length of diastema Pi-*« M t-M 3 62.5 Length of M 3 29.5 Width of incisor row — Width at the canines Horse Equus с ab al lus L. Skull the the Overall length Ij — middle of the straight line connecting the most aboral points of nasal bones This latter point — opisthion I — middle of the straight line connecting foramina supraorbitalia This latter point — opisthion I — middle of the straight line connecting most lateral points of frontal bones This latter point — opisthion Length of row of teeth (I x — M 3 ) Length of incisor row Length of diastema M x-M 3 Greatest frontal width Greatest width of the brain-case Distance between medial canthuses Distance between foramina supraorbitalia Width of incisor row Distance between the mandibular joints Horizontal diameter of orbits Vertical diameter of orbits 66.3.99 33 37 157 22 21 45 63 31 40 45 Kunszállás — Alkotmány Tsz 74.1.1 470 196 284 193 320 159 328 151 265 26 82 88 73 175* 101 120 117 61 171 59 52* Mandible Height at Р х Height at M x Length of row of teeth (P x —M 3 ) Length of incisor row Length of diastema М г-М 3 Width of incisor row Width at canines Kunszentmiklós ­Bak ér 66.3.99 51 74 280 16 78 94 86 64 60 Scapula Measurements: 1. width of angulus articularis 2. diameter of faciès articularis Kunszállás — Alkotmány Tsz 74.1.224 1 86* 2 41 Radius Measurements: 1. greatest length 2. proximal width 3. smallest width 4. distal width 5. proximal diameter 6. smallest diameter 7. distal diameter Kunszállás — Alkotmány Tsz 74.1.2 1 340 78.5 38 74 44 26 44 Metacarpus Measurements: the same as those of the radius. Kunszentmi klós — Bak ér 66.3.102 224 48.5 32 48 34 Tibia Measurements: 1. greatest length 2. smallest width 3. distal width 4. smallest diameter 5. distal diameter 22.5 35 Kunszállás — Alkotmány Tsz 74.1.224 Kunszentmjklós — Bak ér 66.3.99 66.3.102 357 41 3 4 5 64 - 38 73 28 45 40 71 31 38 Metatarsus Measurements : the same as those of the radius. 1 2 3 Kunszállás — Alkotmány Tsz 74.1.93 267 53 32 Kunszentmiklós — Bak ér 66.3.99 268* - 31 66.3.103 49.5 48 26.5 42* 47 25 36* 48 — - 38 66

