Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 4. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1976)
S. Bökönyi: Szarmata lelőhelyek állatcsont leletei Bács-Kiskun megyéből
Fig. 1 — 1. ábra. Cattle skull fragment — Szarvasmarha koponyarészlet. Kunszállás-Alkotmány Tsz, 74. 1. 177. withers height above 130 cm certainly are a glaring contrast to them. As for the origin of the latters there can be two explanations. One can be their domestication from the local aurochs population because aurochses lived in the Carpathian Basin up to the middle of the 13th century A. D. (an aurochs bone was also found on one of these sites proving that this wild cattle species existed in the south of the Great Hungarian Plain in Sarmatian times), and their capture and domestication took place sometimes even in the Period of the Árpád Dynasty (S2alay, no date). Nevertheless, these bones cannot be from freshly domesticated individuals because besides their conspicuously big length their fine structure and slender form are their characteristics, and both latter features are never found in freshly domesticated animals. The other 45