Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 4. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1976)

H. Tóth E.: Az Izsák-balázspusztai honfoglaláskori lovassír

Fig. 3. The bons plates of the saddle in the grave 3. kép. A nyereg csontlemezei a sírban were found: a small silver belt tip, a silver mount, a miniature silver buckle, some heart-shaped horse harness mounts, and the fragment of a quiver. Notwithstanding the authenticating excavation we must not exclude the possibility of other graves to come to light in the area, for the time being, though the Balázspuszta find must be considered unique. Even during the rescue excavations we had to notice the irregularities of the human and the horse skulls which turned out to be more astounding after careful examination under laboratory, museum condi­tions. The lack of the upper teeth and part of the palate was immediately noticable on the human skull, and further the irregular development of the existing teeth. The horse skull perhaps was even more sur­prising where a lower premolar was sticking up in a tusklike manner due to the irregular wear, so much that it even wore out the bone palate in a 1 cm dia­meter area while still growing. Thus it became obvious that the find complex 143

