Horváth Attila – Solymos Ede szerk.: Cumania 2. Ethnographia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1974)

J. Vorák: Kolompár Kálmánné kiskunhalasi cigányasszony kézimunkái

13. Detail of the „wedding cloth" 13. Részlet a „lakodalmi kendő"-ből No. October 1967 March 1971 29—33. I Jttle lilacs in pots so that they blossom. 34. This is a small „puli" dog, belogns to the child. (24) 35. These are roses. Flowers and trees. The flow­ers are in front of the house, under them the lilacs. Dog. Yellow flowers. No. October 1967 36. Pigeon. 37. Hare. 38. Just a yellow „kajcsa' to make it nicer. A stripe, like a chain. March 1971 Horned bird: it is the true good luck, better than the frog and the peacock. Little hare. Good luck, too, but not like the homed bird. That is the border. 192

