Horváth Attila – Solymos Ede szerk.: Cumania 2. Ethnographia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1974)

J. Vorák: Kolompár Kálmánné kiskunhalasi cigányasszony kézimunkái

10. Detail of the traditional Hungarian Kiskunhalas bodice embroidered by Mrs. Kálmán Kolompár 10. Részlet a Kolompár Kálmánné által kivarrt hagyományos kiskunhalasi magyar ingvállból No. October 1967 March 1971 No. October 1967 19. This is the monkey, hold- The girlie, she has a bicycle, ing the bicycle. When the circus was here I saw him riding a bicycle. I thought I'd draw him here. 20. Bike. The young girl's bicycle. 21. A nice house. It has win- Nice house, has a fence and dows, a door and fence, lots of flowers. behind them red summer flowers are blooming. 22. A nice little farm, Little house with a tiled March 1971 this too. roof. 23. This here is Mrs. Kálmán Kolompár, Dulo. We are called that : the Kolompárs are Dulos. 24. This is a boy, has a can in his hand. 25. A pigeon on top of the acacia tree. 26. Acacia tree. 27. Little pigeon. 28. Peacock. That is my name; means that I drew and also embroidered it. But the writing was drawn by my grandchild, she knows to write. A boy, the dog belongs to him. And he also has a can. A little bird, perched on the what-d'ye-call-it. Acacia tree. Wild pigeon. Peacock.

