Horváth Attila – Solymos Ede szerk.: Cumania 2. Ethnographia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1974)

J. Vorák: Kolompár Kálmánné kiskunhalasi cigányasszony kézimunkái

No. May 1974 17. Peacock: good luck. 18. Brilliant peacock, has a long tail. His feathers have to be picked up. 19. This is a duck. Those on its side are its feathers. 20—23. Flowers. Those in front are put into a mug. 24. Leafy, big. tree. Looks like it's curly. 25. Acacia tree. 26. Sour cherry-tree. 27. Shepherd dancing with his mate under the tree. 28. Young girl, dances with the shepherd. 29. This is a goose. September 1970 No. May 1970 Peacock, that's why his tail is long. Peacock. Goose. Flowers. I put them on the cloth so that it be nice and flowery. Flowers, too. Lilac tree, because the girlie stands under it. Cherry tree. There are red cherries on it. And this one is a man. Has a hat on his head and boots on his feet. Makes love to his wife. This is the man's wife. It is a horned bird. And is It real good! 30. Good luck for the mother. It is a boy. Girls mean good luck, but boys arc the real one. 31. Baby carriage, it is the child's one. 32—38. Blue trees, round trees in the wood in summer. There are also big ones among them. 39. Boy, standing in the car­riage under the tree. 40. There is also a horse, harnessed to the carriage. 4L Carriage. 42. Big tree, from the wood. 43. Wild pigeon. 44. Peacock on the tree. 45. Blossoming tree, the peacock has perched on it. September 1979 Boy child. There is a ribbon in his hair, a red one, so that no one may cast an evil eye on his beauty. Baby carriage. Leaves and trees so that also this part should be nice. The boy, he drives the horse. The horse draws the carriage. Both the carriage and the horse belong to the child. I drew them so that he should have them. Carriage. Nice big leaf. Stork. Another stork, sitting on his nest. Tree, there is a stork's nest on it. The ,,good-luck" cloth of Mrs. Kálmán Kolompár (Thorma János Museum, ethnogr. inventory No. 27.20.1.), Figures 16—18. ­Made by Mrs. Kálmán Kolompár, gipsy woman of Cserepes in Kiskunhalas. — Meaning of he figures as given by Mrs. Kálmán Kolompár at different times: No. October 1967 March 1971 1. Dog, „puli" dog, a hairy Hare, one. Around his neck there is a fancy ribbon. 2. A hare. There is a ribbon Dog. round the neck of this one, too. It is nicer like that. But it also means good luck, —• I mean the hare. 3. It is a wild pigeon 4. These arc currants. 5. Sour cherry-tree. 6. Sparrow, standing on the little tree. (12) 7. It is the young man, he stands under the tree. I embroidered his beauti­ful silver buttons. 8. Sour cherry-tree. 9. A young girl, takes along her watering can in the hand so that she can water the flowers. 10. This is a small ,,puli" It is a dog. A bird, maybe a stork. They are like what grows on the acacia tree. Acacia tree. Bird on the tree. (12) This is a lad, or a man. Sour cherry-tree. A girl, has a jug. No. October 1967 March 1971 dog. Stands near the tree in the graden. 11. A swallow, means luck, too. 12. Small tree. 13. A nice little girl, Mancika. Has a fancy ribbon in her hair, it is tied down with it. She has a cap, a nice buttoned jumper and an apron. She is his fiancée. (Points to the young man No. 7.) 14. A bear, means luck. 15. Sour cherry-tree. 16. Cooking-range. (Mrs. Kolompár used the dis­torted German word: „Pórhert") 17. This is the garden-tree. 18. A storeyed house, tiled, chimneyed, in the windows there are flowers. A little bird. Acacia tree, the little bird has perched on it. Girlie. I smarted her up all right so she's nicer. Dog, a big dog. Cherry tree. This is a little house, seems to have a chinncy, too. Leafy, nice tree. A big house, has many rooms. In its windows there are flowers. Geranium flowers. 188

