Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 1. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1972)

S. Bökönyi: Őstulok (Bos primigenius Boj) leletek az Őrjeg tőzeglápjaiban

Measurements Skull basal length overall length oralst point of intermaxillae — M x M t — basion length of palate aboral end of palate — basion length of tooth row P1-P3 M 1-M 3 greatest breadth greatest frontal breadth smallest frontal breadth distance between the medial parts of horn-core bases distance between the lateral parts of horn-core bases distance between foramina supraorbitalia distance between the canthuses distance between foramina infraorbitalia breadth of intermaxillae Pi-Pi M 1 — M 1 distance between mandibular articular surfaces distance between condyli occipitales length of foramen magnum breadth of foramen magnum occipital height greatest length of horn-core greatest diameter of horn-core basis smallest diameter of horn-core basis circumference of horn-core basis Szabadszállás— Kecel—Rózsaber ki Kecel—• Tőzegtelep dűlő Tőzegtelep 541 545 552 619 655 662 226 230 236 315 315 316 342 346 348 199.5 199 204 316 328 324 54.5 54 58 93 92 85 291 306 306 279 286 300 218 225 230 165.5 154 203 250 268 283 138 163 153 240 237 240 122.5 109 109 108 106 105 123 122 127 154 159 158 213 242 221 125 128 129 40.5 46 47 —• 47.5 47 192 209 214 567 745 735 12U 137 118 93 97 94 340 365 345 m-core Measurements: 1) greatest length, 2) greatest diameter of basis, 3) smallest diameter of basis, 4) circumference of basis. Szabadszállás 1 2 3 4 65.3.81 582 106 82 298 65.3.82 685* 121 105 365 65.3.83 — 144 127 445 65.3.84 — 127 103 360 65.3.87 690* — — — 65.3.89 710* 128 109 370 69.1.1 748 125 98 353 69.1.2 715 112 81 324 Kecel—Tőzegtelep 34

