Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 1. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1972)

S. Bökönyi: Őstulok (Bos primigenius Boj) leletek az Őrjeg tőzeglápjaiban

b) Metatarsals greatest h •ngth 181— —190 191— —200 201— —210 211— —220 221— —230 231— —240 241— —250 251— —260 261— —270 271— —280 281— —290 291— —300 301— —310 domestic wild 1 0 2 0 3 0 12 0 21 0 12 1 2 1 1 1 0 .2. 0 6 0 3 0 3 0 1 18.6— —19.0 19.1— —19.5 19.6— —20.0 20.1— —20.5 20.6­—21 domestic wild 1 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 6 1 proximal breadth/greatest length 20.1— 20.6— 21.1— 21.6— 22.1— 22.6— 23.1— 23.6— 24.1— —21.5 —22.0 —22.5 —23.5 —23.0 —24.0 —24.5 1 1 4 smallest breadth/greatest length 24.6— —25.0 0 3 10.1— —10.5 10.6— —11.0 11.1— —11.5 11.6— —12.0 12.1— —12.5 12.6— —13.0 13.1— —13.5 13.6— —14.0 14.1— —14.5 14.6— —15.0 15.1— —15.5 domestic wild 5 0 8 1 18 0 8 1 5 1 4 5 2 1 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 1 domestic wild 21.6— 22.1— —22.0 —22.5 22.6— —23.0 2 2 distal breadth (greatest length 23.1— 23.6— 24.1— 24.6— 25.1— 25.6— 26.1— 26.6— 27.1— 27.6— 28.1— 28.6— -23.5 3 0 -24.0 —24.5 —25.0 —25.5 —26.0 —26.5 —27.0 —27.5 —28.0 —28.5 —29.0 6 2 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 5 2 1 0 1 domestic wild 45.6— —46.0 0 1 46.1— 46.6— —46.5 -^7.0 47.1— —47.5 1 2 length quotient 47.6— 48.1— 48.6— 49.1— 49.6— 50.1— 50.6— 51.1— 51.6— —48.0 —48.5 —49.0 —49.5 —50.0 —50.5 —51.0 —51.5 —52.0 cattle bones than with the use of relative breadth of epiphysis and the diaphysis. Because of their thickness wild cattle bones have lower QL figures, and the border line between domestic and wild cattle is pro­bably 43.0 in metacarpals and 48.0 in metatarsals. Wild cattle metapodials above or near these values probably come from cows, and those of domestic cattle below or near these figures are in all probability strong bulls or transitional individuals. Modern, improved (culture) breeds cannot be compared to aurochs in this respect. The reason is that they have extremely short and comparatively wide metapodials, as a result of a purposeful animal breeding which keeps parts of the body containing less or less valuable meat on an as low a level as pos­sible. Therefore modern domestic breeds have a particularly low length quotient, sometimes even lower than that of wild cattle. However, through the shortness of the metapodials they can easily be separa­ted from the wild form. Investigations aiming the distinction of wild and domestic cattle bones have a long past now. At the 31

