Kothencz Kelemen (szerk.): Migráció és hagyomány-formálódás a történeti Duna-Tisza közi nemzetiségek népéletében - Bajai dolgozatok 22. (Baja, 2018)

Őrsi Julianna: Szevezett telepítések a bácskai puszták benépesítésére

Julianna Örsi Organised resettlement to populate the Bácska plains The expulsion of the Turks resulted in a large settlement change in the Carpathian Basin, especially on the Great Plain. In the place of the medieval small villages the population was concentrated in larger locations. This was also the case in Jászkunság, which was overpopulated in the 1780s due to the more favourable living conditions (Jászkun privileges, autonomy). At the same time, the state (and some landowners) urged the resettlement to cultivate the still abandoned estates. As a result of the resettlement patens issued in 1784, hundreds of poor people from Nagykunság moved to Bácska in 1785-86, creating villages like Bács-feketehe­­gy, Ómoravica, Pacsér and Piros. The process of community formation had both positive and hindering factors. The protestant families of similar wealth conditions coming from the same settle­ments could benefit from the state’s concessions, but they faced the loss of their legal position after the concessions’ term had ended. So, they had to become serfs in the early 19th century. However, the resettlers and their offspring have successfully adapted and retained their national culture, religion, language and communities in their new place. [Translated by Sándor Teremi] 150

