Somogyvári Ágnes et al. (szerk.): Településtörténeti kutatások - Archaelogia Cumanica 3. (Kecskemét, 2014)

Castrum Tétel program (Solt–Tételhegy) eredmények és perspektívák - Szentpéteri József: Semmiből egy régi világot: kutatások Solt–Tételhegyen (2005–2013)

ARCHAEOLOGIA CUMANICA 3 József Szentpéteri An ancestral world from naught: research at Solt-Tételhegy (2005-2013) As a continuation of the work started in 2005, we began the complex investigation of the roughly 100 hectares large Tétel­hegy, located in the Danube-Tisza interfluve where the Solt Plain meets the Kalocsa Sárköz region (County Bács-Kiskun). We presented the findings of our investigations between 2007 and 2009 at the final session of the Castrun Tetei Project held in Kecskemét on June 23,2010. Tételhegy has been occupied since 1700 BC and it acted as a regional centre many times during several centuries. During prehistory, and particularly during the Late Bronze Age, it was fortified with impressive ramparts and ditches, which were renewed and used during the Árpádian Age too. Until the advance of the Turkish forces in the mid-16th century, a flourishing settlement stood on the hill overlooking the floodplain. The changes in the one-time environment were studied through magnetic surveys, samples obtained by geological corings and palaeoenvironmental analyses. The presentations covered many topics: the results of the systematic magnetometer surveys, the numismatic finds, the documentary evidence, the information provided by old maps, the human remains and the animal bone sample. The summarising presentation was dedicated to the memory of archaeologist Zsuzsa Miklós (1948-2014), who has sadly left us: she contributed the photos made during her aerial archaeological reconnaissance to the success of the project (Figs 1-2). Following a three-year gap, the site’s investigation was continued in 2013 (Figs 3-4). The results of the excavation were complemented by István Bacskai’s metal detector surveys (Figs 5-8). There are plans to extend the research project to the neighbouring region (Figs 9-10) and to create a historical memorial park with a visitor centre, a museum and research facilities on the 100 hectares large area. 16

