Somogyvári Ágnes – V. Székely György szerk.: A Barbaricum ösvényein… A 2005-ben Kecskeméten tartott tudományos konferencia előadásai - Archaeologia Cumanica 1. (Kecskemét, 2011)

Wicker Erika - Knipl István: Árkok, sáncok, kérdések (Előzetes jelentés Apostag-Szilas-Kelet lelőhelyen végzett feltárásról)

WICKER ERIKA ­KNIPL ISTVÁN: ÁRKOK, SÁNCOK, KÉRDÉSEK A feltárási terület jelentős részét vastag homoktakaró fedte. A homok végig a szarmata korszak objektumai felett húzódott, s helyenként eltemetett talajréteget takart. Ez egyértelműen a szarmata kor utáni futóho­mokmozgásra utal. A talajtani mintavételek még a fel­tárás befejezése előtt megtörténtek, vizsgálatuk a kéz­irat zárásakor még folyamatban van. 5 5 A vizsgálatot Nyári Diána PhD-ösztöndíjas (SZTE-TTK Természeti Földrajzi és Geoinformatikai Tanszékjvégzi, munkáját ezúton is köszön­jük. Erika Wicker - István Knipl: Ditches, dykes, questions In April-June 2005 we conducted a rescue excavation at the site Apostag-Szilas Kelet in connection with the con­struction works of road M8-51. In the course of these works, at a 300x25 large territory we excavated 34 ditches, 38 pits, 15 post-holes, 3 water-collectors, 9 graves from the Sarmatian Age and a modern well. The find material of the features was poor, except for the few unrobbed graves and pits situated in the vicinity of the ditch system. In the latter a small vessel, fibulas and beads were found. As a result of the excavation it became clear that we found the edge of a Sarmatian settlement with its corrals, water-collectors, cemetery and a ditch system that probably served as a defence system of the Sarmatian territory. The system of ditches can be well observed on aerial photos made in the vicinity. It could be determined that these ditches belonged to a significant „fortification". Ditches situated close to each other on the excavated territory, later slightly radially diverge in NW-SE direction and follow the natural circumstances. We suggest a long existing, sig­nificant Sarmatian population at the territory judging from the fact that a numerous cemetery can be identified on the aerial photos. A part of this cemetery was excavated. Here we found graves surrounded with ditches and ones without ditches. The find material included fibulas, small vessels and beads (at the neck and at the joints). The site and the ditch system suggest a number of questions the answers to which can add a lot of data to the picture we have on the age in question. 81

