Draskóczy István - Varga Júlia - Zsidi Vilmos (szerk.): Universitas - Historia. tanulmányok a 70 éves Szögi László tiszteletére - Magyar Levéltárosok Egyesülete kiadványai 15. (Budapest, 2018)

Oktatástörténet - 2. 19-20. század - Kiss Márton: A gondnoki intézmény kialakulása a Magyar királyi József Műegyetemen

Kiss Márton: A gondnoki intézmény kialakulása a Magyar királyi József Műegyetemen The Development of the Wardenship at the Hungarian Royal Joseph Technical University The Technical University gained its self-governance and its faculty structure similar to the present one by its statutes of 1871. The change affected the management of its economic affairs, too. These were supervised by a quaestor-warden between 1873 and 1882, and by the university's secretary, as a temporary warden, between 1882 and 1888. Subsequently, the economic affairs were managed by an economic executive elected from among the regular instructors, who was also a member of the Rector's Council. A separate warden's position was created in 1904. The main duties of a warden included the supervision of the movable tangible property, maintenance of the buildings and facilities, supervision over tidiness, order and silence, and the management of the servant staff. The warden's position was re­organized to an economic office after the integration of the university in 1934. Keywords: history of the technical university, Hungarian Royal Joseph Technical University, office history, economic executive, wardenship Kulcsszavak: műegyetem története, Magyar királyi József Műegyetem, hivataltör­ténet, gazdasági előadó, gondnoki intézmény 292

