Levéltári Szemle, 64. (2014)

Levéltári Szemle, 64. (2014) 1. szám - Contents

103 CONTENTS REPORT ON THE 2013 STUDY TRIPS OF THE DELEGATION O‍F‍ ‍T‍H‍E‍ ‍H‍U‍N‍G‍A‍R‍I‍A‍N‍ ‍A‍R‍C‍H‍I‍V‍I‍S‍T‍S‍’‍ ‍A‍S‍S‍O‍C‍I‍A‍T‍I‍O‍N‍ ANALYSIS OF INSTITUTIONAL PROFILE , ARCHIVAL SYSTEMS I S‍T‍V‍Á‍N‍ ‍ B OROSS –‍ Z SUZSANNA M I‍K‍Ó‍ : Analysis of institutional profile, archival systems and in stitutional management in Denmark ................................ ............. 12 T A‍M‍Á‍S‍ ‍ F Ü‍L‍Ö‍P‍ : The leading and integrating role of the National Archives in the archival system of the United Kingdom ................................ ................................ . 25 ADOPTING ARCHIVES TO THE DIGIT AL WORLD AND THEIR ROLE IN THE E­GOVERNMENT IN THE NETHERLANDS AND IN DENMARK I S‍T‍V‍Á‍N‍ ‍ L E‍N‍G‍V‍Á‍R‍I‍ –‍ T A‍M‍Á‍S‍ ‍ P O‍L‍G‍Á‍R‍ ................................ ................................ .... 32 ARCHIVES AS CULTURAL SERVICE INSTITUTIONS L Á‍S‍Z‍L‍Ó‍ ‍ S CHRAMEK : The Dutch example ................................ ............................. 36 T A‍M‍Á‍S‍ ‍ P O‍L‍G‍Á‍R‍ : Demographical, social science and medical databanks in Denmark and in The Netherlands ................................ .................... 37 Z SUZSANNA M I‍K‍Ó‍ : Involvement of volunteers in processing archival materials –‍ Danish Demografic Database as a successfull crowdsourcing ....................... 38 E R‍Z‍S‍É‍B‍E‍T‍ ‍ C SOMBOR : Experiences in the United Kingdom .............................. 40 I S‍T‍V‍Á‍N‍ ‍ B OROSS –‍ T A‍M‍Á‍S‍ ‍ P O‍L‍G‍Á‍R‍ : User­friendly solutions. Research and other uses. Websites and other information interfaces. ................................ .................. 47 E R‍Z‍S‍É‍B‍E‍T‍ ‍ C SOMBOR : Schools and education in UK archives Archival pedagogy, virtual cl assroom, education packages ................................ .. 57 Á‍ D‍Á‍M‍ ‍ V AJK : Methods of streingthening personal identity (formal and non­formal family research in the Unite d Kingdom and in The Netherlands) ................................ ................................ .......................... 65 ARCHIVES AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR, FINANCING SYSTEMS, PROFIT ORIENTED METHODS, DIGITALISATION AND ON­LINE SERVICES I S‍T‍V‍Á‍N‍ ‍ B OROSS –‍ Á‍ D‍Á‍M‍ ‍ V AJK : Databases, digital publication and on­line services ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 68

