Külügyi Szemle - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet folyóirata - 2014 (13. évfolyam)

2014 / 4. szám - MENEKÜLTKÉRDÉS ÉS RENDSZERVÁLTOZÁS - Cseresnyés Ferenc: Magyar egyetemisták (Nyugat-) Németországban, 1956-1958

Cseresnyés Ferenc Résumé Hungarian University Students in (West) Germany, 1956-1958 In Germany, the knowledge of the Hungarian language was uniquely high due to displaced Germans. Therefore, nowhere else were the opportunities of necessary "psychological support" given to such an extent. Obligations regarding the placement of ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) resulted in an extremely diverse supporting system including the already tested practice of accommodation at universities and colleges. Extending the scholarship categories to Hungarians further increased the sense of caring and support among Hungarian students. However, the Germans had their own interests asserted: they accepted more undergraduates and more male students than others did. Dominance of qualification in technical, natural sciences was already evident, thus the hosts had nothing else to do but promoting the preservation of the rates which were beneficial to themselves as well. However, smaller changes were allowed which made the students feel that their own individual ideas are not being hampered. The experience gained by housing students from East Germany certainly contributed to the way of addressing problems. 162 Külügyi Szemle

