Külügyi Szemle - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet folyóirata - 2010 (9. évfolyam)

2010 / 3. szám - KÖZLEMÉNYEK - Virágh Anna: A spanyol semlegesség kérdése a második világháborús Amerika-közti diplomáciában

A spanyol semlegesség a második világháborús Amerika-közi diplomáciában 20 „Hull levele Weddell madridi nagykövetnek, 1941. december 26.". lm Uo. 54. o. 21 „Hull körtávirata, 1942. május 25.". lm Foreign Relations..1942. Vol. V. The American Republics. Washington: Department of State, Government Printing Office, 1956-1965. 290. o. 22 „Records of the Office of Foreign Assets Control. 265.1. Administrative History". The National Archives, http://www.archives.gOv/research/guide-fed-records/groups/265.html#265.l . 23 „Dean Acheson körtávirata, 1942. augusztus 7." Im Foreign Relations..., 1942. Vol. V. 292. o. 24 „Hull körtávirata, 1943. január 30.". 1m Foreign Relations..., 1943. Vol. V. The American Republics. Washington: Department of State, Government Printing Office, 1956-1965. 308. o. 25 Pecharromán: i. m. 194-195. o. Résumé Inter-American Diplomacy and the Issue of Spanish Neutrality during the Second World War The paper, focusing on documents of the State Department, presents the problem of Spanish neutrality during the Second World War and the collective initiatives the issue provoked in the foreign policy of the United States and the Latin American governments. The author provides a brief introduction to the evolution of the question of Spanish (non)participation in the Second World War, and also outlines the principal characteristics of Francoist foreign policy towards Latin America. Analyzing the archival sources, the author points out that initially the diplomacy of the United States supported all Latin American initiatives aimed at creating a collective official statement to pressure the Spanish government to adhere to a position of strict neutrality in the international conflict. However, once the United States had entered the war, the priorities of continental solidarity and the security of the hemisphere made similar initiatives impossible. 2010. ősz 175

