Külpolitika - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet folyóirata - 1998 (4. évfolyam)

1998 / 1. szám - ESEMÉNYNAPTÁR - Resumé

Resumé Edward Teller, Theodore von Kármán, and Nobel Laureate Eugene Wigner, appeared somewhat later, around World War II. Americans were divided as to whether Hungary conspired with Hitler or whether the country was in fact Hitler's victim. By 1956, however, the people and the government of the U.S. began to appreciate again the freedom-loving Hungarians and America cheered the champion of the Anti-Communist fight. When Kossuth's portrait appeared on an American stamp in 1958, in the Champion of Liberty series, it created a link between the ideals, heroes, and victims of 1848—49 and 1956. 150 Külpolitika

