Külpolitika - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet elméleti-politikai folyóirata - 1990 (17. évfolyam)

1990 / 1. szám - Angol nyelvű tartalomjegyzék

KÜLPOLITIKA A journal of theory and politics published by the Hungarian Institute of Foreign Affairs Vol. XVII. CONTENTS Béla Kádár: Reflections about the economic meaning of the rebirth of the Central Europe notion Péter Deák: After Yalta (crisis of the military blocs) Nóra Kollár: Social democracy: democratic socialism (Adaptation — moder­nisation — experiences Gyula Jordán: The Chinese army and the reform process EC — ECONOMY AND POLITICS Ferenc Gazdag: Foreign policy integration in Western Europe (About European Political Cooperation) Csaba Mohi: The foundations of integration objectives aimed at creating a united community inner market LAW AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Gábor Karos: Soft agreements in international law ABOUT BOOKS Gerard Holden: Security policy of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact (Pál Dunay) Paul Luif: Neutrals into the EC? The Western European integration and the neutral states (Mrs. Rathmann, Mária Tury) Contents of Külpolitika (Foreign Policy) in 1989. Summaries of the studies carried by the current issue in English language. IV No. 1.

