Külpolitika - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet elméleti-politikai folyóirata - 1982 (9. évfolyam)

1982 / 4. szám - A tanulmányok orosz és angol nyelvű kivonata

KÜLPOLITIKA A journal of theory and politics published by the Hungarian Institute of International Relations Volume IX No. 4 CONTENTS József Balázs: Yalta, Potsdam and current international relations Bál Nemes: On the international situation and Hungarian foreign policy István Dobosi: Security of supply of raw materials and fuel in the developed capitalist countries Béla Kádár: Latin America within the context of international relations Balázs Barbi: ASEAN in the second half of the seventies SURVEY János Temesi: Bulgaria’s economic and political relations on the Balkan Peninsula László B. Hordnyi: The new draft constitution of the People’s Republic of China Zsófia Fiilep—-Tamás Kocsis: Deutsche Aussenpolitik — the mirror of GDR foreign policy DISCUSSION On the interpretation of the notion of conational relations (Mrs Gabriella Hedri Izik) Major aspects of world economic development in the past decade (Dorottya Somogyi) The example of the EEC (Katalin Garai) New features of the system of international relations (István Nádory) The conational system and political relations (Gyula Bognár) INSTITUTIONAL LIFE A contribution to the discussion at the Second Extraordinary Disarmament Session of the UN General Assembly Hungaro-Bulgarian Round Table on outside factors in the political situation of the Balkan Peninsula A Hungaro-GDR Round Table in the Hungarian Institute of Foreign Affairs DOCUMENTS Hungarian foreign policy statements on the occasion of official visits, meetings &c. (January— April 1982) BOOKS József Bognár (ed.): Papers on the new world economic order (Sándor Sipos) Daniel Frei: How could a nuclear war break out? (István Faragó) Europe in danger (István Pataki) Factors and means in Italian foreign policy (György Réti) György Makai: The Saudi relations (Antal Tamás) V

