Külpolitika - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet elméleti-politikai folyóirata - 1976 (3. évfolyam)

1976 / 4. szám - Idegen nyelvű tartalomjegyzék

KÜLPOLITIKA (FOREIGN AFFAIRS) A magazine devoted to theory and politics published by the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs Volume m No 4, 1976 CONTENTS Gyula Horn: European political developments and the Communist movement in West Europe ... 3 András Inotai: Major trends in the foreign trade strategy of the Federal Republic of Germany ... 22 "László Kerékgyártó: The Black Africa policy of the United States and its reconsideration .............. 44 R udolf Jod: The UN and the protection of national minorities ............................................................. 60 FORUM Ndugu Ibrahim M. Kaduma: The liberation of Southern Africa ............................................................ 74 S URVEY Gyula Bognár: World conference on development in Budapest ........................................................ 86 D OCUMENTS Joint statement of the socialist countries at the 4th UNCTAD Conference ...................................... 96 H enry Kissinger’s address to the 4th UNCTAD Conference .............................................................. 128 B OOKS Willy Brandt—Bruno Kresisky—Olof Palme: Letters and conversations ................................................ 145 M . Camps: The management of interdependence .............................................................................. 150 FROM SOCIALIST FOREIGN AFFAIRS PERIODICALS Gyula Horn: European political developments and the Communist movement in West Europe A survey of the present position of the Western European Communist parties and the major aspects of their tactics and strategy, leading on to a brief introduction to the nature and aims of their day-to-day struggles. The political timeliness of the Communist question in Western Europe is pointed out as is the growing strength of the Communist parties in legislative bodies, local administration, and trades unions. There are capitalist countries where the relationship to the Communists has become a central issue for every important political grouping. The author discusses the domestic and foreign political factors which contribute to the growing influence of the Communist parties, all those circumstances which came to the fore thanks to favourable changes in international power relationships, and the struggle of the international working class. He describes the conclusions drawn by the Communist parties from their study of the new situa­tion, and the new elements of their tactics and strategy. The article goes on tó deal with the action programme and pluralist interpretation of the West European Communist parties in connection with their fight for a democratic turn of events and for the transition to socialism. New developments in the social, political and economic life of the capitalist countries have a decisive importance in this respect. The article points out the importance and difficulties of cooperation with Socialist and Social- Democratic parties within the policy of alliances. At the same time it refers to the fact that the new tacti­cal and strategic ends and means cannot isolate the West European Communist parties from the already existing socialist societies, since they cannot do without the solidarity and support of the other revolu­tionary forces. z

