Külpolitika - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet elméleti-politikai folyóirata - 1974 (1. évfolyam)

1974 / 1. szám - A tanulmányok orosz és angol nyelvű tartalmi kivonata

the practice of foreign policy, foreign policy decision-making and foreign policy information. For the efficient execution of its tasks, the Institute will: — cooperate with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the scientific and educational bodies of the Hungarian Socialist Worker’s Party, and universities and other scientific research institutions; — maintain contact with foreign scientific institutions and prominent in­dividuals ; — organize conferences, lectures and debates with the participation of Hun­garian and foreign lecturers, and take part in events of a similar nature at home and abroad; — on the basis of its plan of work and as part of the international exchange of researchers, send individuals on study trips abroad and welcome researchers from foreign countries; — publish a 160-page scientific jour­nal entitled „Foreign Policy”, to appear quarterly. A Scientific Council operates along­side the Institute, meeting once a year to discuss and evaluate the Institute’s long­term and one-year research plans, as well as the reports concerning the Institute’s scientific activities. The Institute’s first plan, which co­vers a period of several years, was drafted so as to take into account the number of research workers available, the theoretical and practical requirements of Hungarian foreign policy and the re­quirements of international cooperation. In line with this, the Institute will do research work in the three-year period from 1973 to 1975 in the following four fields: 1. The Institute’s main field of re­search is Europe, or rather the whole range of international political problems concerning the European area. This ties up with the main current and long-range interests of the Hungarian People’s Re­public with regard to the region. There­fore, one of the main directions of re­search will be the examination of policy concerning security and cooperation in Europe, and problems arising in its system of institutions. The research work will start out from, and is basically directed towards, an examination of the situation in the European socialist coun­tries, their system of cooperation and contacts, and their European policies. Another basic line of research will be an analysis of the situation in Western Europe and of the European policy of the major Western European countries, including an analysis of their plans for integration and other endeavours. In reviewing problems, certain world polit­ical factors outside Europe must natu­rally be studied — for example, the European policies of the United States and the People’s Republic of China. 2. For research work on international problems involving the regions outside Europe, the Institute’s plan of work is divided into three regions: Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. Re­garding Asia, our aim will be to analyze recent trends and developments arising out of the new situation that has been created, particulary in the Far East, South-East Asia and the Hindustani sub­continent, owing to the change in the international balance of forces. As for the Latin American continent, our re­search will be mainly devoted to efforts being made there to strengthen unity and to achievements of the anti-imperial­ist and anti-US political forces working for social progress, as well as to an examination of the future political and economic role of Brazil. 3. In examining the problems and interrelation of peaceful coexistence and the international ideological struggle, we intend to take a close look at the new situations and possibilities that have arisen as a result of détente and in­creased East—West relations. In this con­text, we shall follow the changing role of cultural relations and of the mass media in East—West relations, with spe­cial regard to concrete forms for the prac­tical implementation of peaceful coexist­ence. We shall be making analyses of both the changing and the constant con­cerns and methods of the „East research” being carried on in Western European countries and in the United States, and shall try to determine, among other things, to what extent this ideologically aligned „branch of science” in the service of in­ternational imperialism is capable of adapting itself to the changed inter­national relations. IX

