Külpolitika - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet elméleti-politikai folyóirata - 1973 (1. évfolyam)

1973 / Próbaszám - A tanulmányok orosz és angol nyelvű tartalmi kivonata

manifest themselves under new condi­tions. Today it is much more necessary to find a right interpretation, a clear view and a proper explanation of the new phenomena, to outline exactly the new tasks than it was earlier when the balance of power as different. To say that e live in the era of transition from capitalism to socialism has a different meaning now than it had in 1919, 1945 or 1956. The notion of peaceful coexis­tence has also a different meaning than it had at the time of the birth of the Soviet Union. The tasks we have to face as result of the present sharpening of of ideological struggle are also different from those we had in the era of isolation and bitter cold war. Naturally these new phenomena are only relatively new. Tehy go back to struggles of several decades the struggles of earlier generations. Their germination could be traced al­ready several years ago in many fields. At present they are coming vigorously tho the foreground. Tamás Pálos: Foreign Policy and Ideolo­gical Struggle The writer starts from the thesis that it is impossible to pursue a foreign policy which stands „above” ideology and is exempt from its influence. The present time is characterized by the increasing role of ideological factors in foreign po­licy. Some decades ago only capitalist countries, states, with the same social system and of the same ideological affi­liation confronted one another in the in­tés of different social systems and ideo- ternational field. Nowadays the main contradiction is to be found between sta- cal opposition of the two antagonistic classes, the working class and the bour- logies. Thus it is the social and ideologi­The article stresses that in the period geoisie, that is reflected in the field of •.fonod ugrajoj jo ‘suoijepj ajejsjajui of peaceful coexistence the interconnec­tion of foreign policy and ideological struggle isan objective necessity. Peace­ful coexistence is a specific form of in­ternational class struggle. Examining the relation between fo­reign policy and ideology, the writer rai­ses the question whether peaceful coexis­tence implies a weakening of ideological struggle, an ideological „disarmament” and whether it is possible to engage in sharp ideological dabates with the propa- of capitalist countries with which the ganda organs, even with the politicians, socialist countries wish to expand rela­tions? He answers that it is possible, in fact, necessary on pertinent questions and in appropriate forma. Peaceful coexis- misrepresentation and no means could tence has to be „cleaned” of elements of distrust, anti-Communist distortion and serve this purpose better than open, li­vely ideological debate, sing ideologies helps to clarify the fra­meworks in which resonable compromi­The struggle between the two oppo­ses can made without damage to the essential interets of both parties. Socia­list and capitalist countries will cartainly have to love with each other for a long cessions. The idea that any kind of comp­time and in many cases their disputes romise is inadmissible and must be re­jected was considered by Lenin as Chil­ean only be settled through mutual con- dish. He taught us to analyze the cir­cumstances and concrete conditions whe- principles of Lenin. By its everyday rein compromises can be made. Socialist foreign policy keeps to these practice it demonstrates that ideological struggle and the development of paeceful cooperation between states of different social systems are not alternatives which rule each other out. Gyula Horn—Mátyás Szűrös: The Soviet Union for European Collective Security The authors review the geographic, economis and political factors which ex­plain why efforts and moves for peace and security in the European continent have occupied a particularly important place in Soviet foreign policy at all times during the past half century. The results achived in the struggle for European peace and collective secu­rity during the last two or three years indicate that a new chapter is opening in the history of Europen international relations. In the process of détente head­way can be made by mutual efforts cf states with different social systems. Ne­vertheless, the decisive factor has been III

