Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2010

CONTENTS CONTENTS Abbreviations xlv States figuring in the Yearbook and their official names liii I. CHRONICLE OF EVENTS IN HUNGARY'S INTERNA­TIONAL RELATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITY 1 January 3 February 19 March 43 April 63 May 73 June 85 July 105 August. 125 September 135 October 157 November 169 December 179 II. DOCUMENTS OF HUNGARY'S INTERNATIONAL RE­LATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITY 189 January 191 Position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the declaration made by the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the OSCE on the Slovak State Language Act 191 Government decision on the authorisation given for the establishment of the final text of the Agreement between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of India on social security [1006/2010. (1. 21.) Korm.] 192 xxiii

