Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2007
national Convention for the repression of counterfeiting signed on 20 April 1929 in Geneva, promulgated by Act XI of 1933 (designation of the responsible organisation) (2002/2007. /I. 18./ Korm.) 208 Government decision on the participation of the Republic of Hungary in the eleventh filling up of the funds of the International Development Association (2003/2007. /I. 18./Korm.) 209 Government decision on the participation of the Republic of Hungary in the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative of the International Development Association (2004/2007. /I. 18./ Korm.) 209 Joint Declaration of Hungary and the Vatican (25 January 2007) 210 February Government decision on the approval of the Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the general conditions, the procedural order, the institutional background and the financial framework of the development aid to be granted by Hungary to the Republic of Indonesia (2013/2007. /II. 6./ Korm.) 211 Government decision on the approval of the Agreement on the establishment of the framework programme for financial co-operation between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (2014/2007. /II. 6./ Korm.) 211 Toast given by President László Sólyom at the ceremonial dinner arranged in his honour by President Traian Basescu on his official visit to Romania (Bucharest, 12 February 2007) 212 Communiqué of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the appointment of Kálmán Mizsei as the EU Special Representative for Moldova 214 Resolution of the National Assembly on the approval of the report on the Hungarian military contribution to the NATO support granted at the time of the Riga summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (1/2007. /II. 13./ OGy.) 215 Resolution of the National Assembly on the approval of the report on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the Hungarian military participation in the NATO Training Mission in Iraq (2/2007. AI. 13./ OGy.) 215 Resolution of the National Assembly on the approval of the report on the establishment of a Hungarian led Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan (3/2007./II. 13./OGy.) 215 XVII