Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2006

way of the World Bank, aimed at decreasing the pollution in the Danube (2097/2006. V. 9.Korm.) 221 Toast given by President László Sólyom at the opening of the exhibition arranged from the works of art of fine artists from the Carpathian Basin 222 Two communiqués of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman - (of 17 May and 8 June, on the same matter!) on the diplomatic step taken in the direction of the Republic of Croatia 224 Government decision on the approval of the text of the Agreement aimed at the establishment of the European Common Aviation Area between the European Community, its member states and nine other states, and at the temporary application of those contained therein (1051/2006.V.19.) 226 Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the official Hungarian position concerning the result of the Montenegro referendum on independence 226 Four communiqués issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (25 May, 27 May, 13 July, 2 October - the same matter! ) - by the way of its Spokesman - on the diplomatic steps taken in the direction of the Slovak Republic 227 Joint Message from the presidents of Hungary, Austria, Finland and Lithuania to the European Union conference called "Green Week 2006: Biodiversity Is Life!" 229 June Government decree on the acknowledgement (and the promulgation) of the statutory effect of the Agreement on economic co-operation between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Republic of Cuba ( 128/2006.VI. 1.Korm.) 231 Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the official Hungarian position with regard to the talks between the USA and Iran 231 Government decision on the recognition of the Republic of Montenegro as an independent state (2105/2006.VI.9.Korm.) 232 Foreign policy details of the Government Programme submitted by designated Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány and accepted by the National Assembly simultaneously to its decision on the election of the prime minister 232 Decision of the President on the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Montenegro (120/2006.VI.13.KE) 238 Toast delivered by President László Sólyom at the ceremonial dinner arranged in the honour of Alfred Moisiu, President of the Republic of Albania, on his official visit to Hungary 238 XV

