Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2006

Speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the session of the National As­sembly held on Holocaust Memorial Day 193 February Government decision on the implementation of the tasks decided on at the first Hungarian-Romanian joint government session (20 October 2005) (2015/2006./II.6.Korm.) 196 Letter written by Foreign Minister Dr. Ferenc Somogyi to Secretary of State of the United States of America concerning the ceremony arranged in the USA on the 50 t h anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution 197 Act XIII of 2006 on the amendment of one article (on the transfer to the government's scope of authority of the authorisation of the participation in military missions abroad) of the Constitution of the Republic of Hungary 199 Government decision on the exchange of notes concerning the utilisation of the Röszke-Horgos border crossing station between Hungary and Serbia (2022/2006./II.21.Korm.) 199 Toast delivered by President László Sólyom at the ceremonial dinner given in the honour of Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, on his official visit to Hungary 200 March Speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the opening of the exhibition of the Sárospatak books, which had been taken to Russia during the war and have been returned recently 203 Government decisions on the amendment of its previous decision on the authorisation of military movements in 2006 implying border crossing (2038/2006.III.7. Korm., 2145/2006.VIII.23. Korm., 2182/2006.X.25.Korm.)....204 Government decision on Hungary's adherence to the Group on Earth Observation - GEO) (2039/2006.III. 10.Korm.) 205 Government decision on the accession to the Memorandum prepared by the Republic of France on the implementation and the future of the reformed Common Agricultural Policy of the EU (2055/2006.III.20.Korm.) 206 Declaration made by Foreign Minister Dr. Ferenc Somogyi concerning the arrests effected in the Republic of Belarus 206 Toast delivered by President László Sólyom at the ceremonial lunch arranged in the honour of President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczynski on his visit to Hungary 207 XIII

