Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2004
Toast given by President Ferenc Mádl at the ceremonial dinner arranged in his honour on his official visit to the Republic of Cyprus 242 Toast given by President Ferenc Mádl at the ceremonial dinner arranged in the honour of Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi on his official visit to Hungary 244 Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs -by the way of its Spokesman - on the settlement of the export dispute with the Republic of Slovenia 246 April Political Declaration of the National Assembly on the Holocaust Memorial Day (1/2004. IV. 6. OGy.) 247 Act XIV of 2004 on the application of mutual recognition of the provisions of the Treaty Establishing the European Community on the free movement of goods (Excerpt - General Provisions - Article 1) 247 Resolution of the National Assembly on the ratification of the Consular Agreement between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Portugal (26/2004. IV. 6. OGy.) 248 Lecture delivered by Prime Minister Dr. Péter Medgyessy on the Hungarian economy in Paris, at the conference of the representatives of the OECD member states 249 Toast given by President Ferenc Mádl at the ceremonial dinner arranged in the honour of Israeli President Móse Kacav on his official visit to Hungary 255 Government decision on the approval of the national report on the fulfilment of the obligations assumed under the European Social Charter (1027/2004. IV. 15. Korm.) 257 Government decision on the reporting to the EU Commission, in April 2004, in the interim procedure, the overlapping of state subsidies beyond the date of Hungary's accession to the EU (2072/2004. IV. 15. Korm.) 257 Government decision on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Hungary (2073/2004. IV. 15. Korm.) 258 Government decision on the conclusion and the approval of the Convention concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the US Government on the protection and conservation of certain cultural goods (2076/2004. IV. 15. Korm.) 282 XXIII