Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2004
Government decision on the approval of the Agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Republic of Italy on the commemoration of the soldiers and civil victims fallen in the world wars, and on the legal status of their tombs (2128/2004. II. 12. Korm.) 218 Government decision on the conclusion, approval, and promulgation of the Scientific and technical co-operation Agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Council of Ministers of Serbia-Montenegro (2030/2004. II. 12. Korm.) 218 Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman - on the diplomatic steps taken towards the Republic of Slovenia 219 Government decision on the approval of the Agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the People's Republic of China on co-operation in the fight against organised crime (2037/2004. II. 19. Korm.) 219 Speech delivered by Dr. Péter Medgyessy in Rome at the international conference held in the theme of "Chances and dangers in the enlarged Europe" 220 Toast given by President Ferenc Mádl at the ceremonial dinner arranged in the honour of Jacques Chirac, President of the Republic of France 227 Telegram of condolence sent by President Ferenc Mádl upon the death of Macedonian President Boris Traikovsky 229 Government decision on the second report on the implementation of the Framework Agreement between Hungary and the Council of Europe on the protection of national minorities (1010/2004. II. 26. Korm.) 230 March Communiqué of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the settlement of the dispute with the Republic of Croatia 231 Resolution of the National Assembly on the ratification of the Agreement on the participation of ten countries (among them Hungary) in the European Economic Area (4/2004. III. 2. OGy.) 231 Government decision on the approval and the promulgation of the Agreement signed on the procedure to be followed by the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the European Community in the domain of technical regulations and the services of the information society (2044/2004. III. 4. Korm.) 232 XXI