Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2003

Speech delivered by President Ferenc Mádl at the border meeting between Hungarian and Slovak Presidents (Putnok - Hanva, 29 April 2003) 251 Resolution of the National Assembly on the ratification of Replacement Report 6 signed at the 22 n d Universal Postal Union Congress (49/2003./IV.30./OGy.)..252 May Resolution of the National Assembly on the promotion of the activity of international forces participating in stabilisation and humanitarian tasks necessary for the democratic reconstruction of Iraq (54/2003./V. 6./OGy.) 253 Decision of the Government on the preliminary ruling procedure of the European Court of Justice (2088/2003./V. 15,/Korm.) 253 Decree of the Minister for Foreign Affairs on the founding of the Pro Auxilio Civium Hungarorum commemorative plaque (9/2003./V. 15./Korm.) 254 Speech delivered by President Ferenc Mádl at the 7 , h Session of the Hungarian Permanent Conference (Budapest, 24 May 2003) 255 Speech delivered by Dr. Péter Medgyessy at the 7 , h Session of the Hungarian Permanent Conference (Budapest, 24 May 2003) 259 Resolution of the National Assembly on the participation of the Republic of Hun­gary in the 13 t h topping up of the Funds of the International Development Association (59/2003./V.28./OGy.) 263 Resolution of the National Assembly on the ratification of the Agreement on social security signed between the Republic of Hungary and Canada (60/2003 ,/V.28./OGy.) 264 Decision of the Government on the approval and the promulgation of the Protocol on the further development of the benefits granted in agricultural trade by the European Agreement (2102/2003./V.30./Korm.) 264 Decision of the Government on supplementary Protocol No. 3 of the Hungarian­Latvian free trade agreement (2104/2003./V.30./Korm.) 264 Decision of the Government on the signing of the Tampere Convention on the provision of telecommunication resources for disaster mitigation and relief operations (2109/2003./V.30./Korm.) 265 Decision of the Government on the approval and promulgation of the Agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Principality of Andorra on the mutual abolition of visa obligation (2111/2003 ,/V.30./Korm.) 265 XX

