Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1999

Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the approval of the Treaty on the transport of goods concluded between (he Government of the Republic of Hungary and die Government of the Republic of the Italian Republic (2091/1999.V. 5.Korm.) 236. Decision of die Government of the Republic of Hungary on die approval and promulgation of die Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Swiss Federal Council on cooperation in the fight against crime (2092/1999.V.5.Korm.) 236. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the approval of the Treaty concluded between die Government of die Republic of Hungary and the Government of die Slovak Republic on co-operation in die field of environmental protection and nature conservation (2093/1999.V. 5.Korm.). ..237. Decision of die Government of the Republic of Hungary on Hungary's presidency, for the year 2000. of the Central European Initiative (CEI) (2099/1999. V. 5. Korm.) 237. Political Declaration of the National Assembly on die occasion of the 5()"' anniversary of the formation of the Council of Europe (l/1999.V.7,OGy.) 237. Joint Statement of the heads of government of die "Visegrád countries" (Bratislava, May 14. 1999) 239. Decision of the Government of die Republic of Hungary on the approval of the Treaty concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and die Republic of Peru on agricultural cooperation (2108/1999.V.21.Korm.) 241. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the accession to the May 10. 1999 Common Position of the Council of die European Union ordering a supplementary embargo against Yugoslavia (2118/1999. V.28.Korm.) 241. Decision ol die Government of the republic of Hungary on die approval of the Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and die Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt on scientific and technical cooperation (2120/1999.V.28.Korm.) 244. XXV

