Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1999

Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr János Martonyi's speech delivered at the deposotong of instrument of Hungary's accession to NATO 209. Prime Minister Dr Viktor Orbán's speech delivered at the ceremony of the hoisting of the national flag of tire new NATO member the Republic of Hungary 212. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the report on Hungary's performance of its cimmitments under Article 2(2) of the Charter of Regional or Minority Languages (2048/1999.III. 17.Korm.) 215. Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr János Martonyi's address submitting the draft of a National Assembly Resolution concerning Hungary's consent to a NATO action aimed at resolving the Kosovo crisis, and his address closing the debate 215. Resolution of the National Assembly on the amendment of its resolution adopted on October 18, 1998, in the matter of the consent of the Republic of Hungary to a NATO action aimed at resolving the Kosovo crisis (20/1999. III.24.OGy.) 218. Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, through its Spokesman, on the official Hungarian position regarding the developments aimed at resolving the Kosovo crisis 219. Resolution of the National Assembly on the ratification of the Treaty concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Austrian Republic on the railway traffic of the industrial park (25/1999.IlI.26.OGy.) 220. Resolution of the National Assembly on the tasks connected with the formation of the Hungarian Standing Conference (26/1999.III.26.OGy.) 220. Statement of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Kosovo crisis 221. Act No.XXXVI/1999 on the ratification and promulgation of the Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of Romania on cooperation in the field of military transports 222. XXIII

