Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1997

concluded between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Kazahstan on December 7, 1994 213. Act No. XXXVII/1997. on the promulgation of the Treaty on the fundamental principles of friendly relations and co-opera­tion concluded on April 19, 1995 between the Republic of Hungary and the Moldova Republic 218. Act No. XXXVIII/1997. on the promulgation of the Treaty on friendship and co-operation concluded between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Italy on July 6, 1991 225. Act No. XXXIX/1997. on the ratification and promulgation of the Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of Rumania (Feb­ruary 17, 1997) on mutual protection of classified military information 235. Act No. XL/1997, on the promulgation of the Treaty on the Basis of Interstate Relations concluded between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Uzbegistan (March 2,1992) 236. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary (No. 2131/1997.V.28.Korm.) on the posterior ratification of the Agreement between the Goverment of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of Rumania on the railway transport through their state frontiers 241. June Resolution of the National Assembly (No.59/1997.VI.4.0Gy.) on the troup maneuvres planned for 1997 needing the ratification of the National Assembly 242. Resolution of the National Assembly (No.60/1997.VI.4.0Gy.) on the usage of Hungarian manouvres and shooting places by foreigners for refoundment 243. Act No. XLII/1997. on the promulgation of the Treaty of friendship and co-operation concluded between the Republic XXV

