Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1996

Resolution of the National Assembly (No. 109/1996.XII. 17. OGy.) on furthening the activity of the SFOR forces in the interest of stabilizing the situation in the Balkans and on the participation of a Hungarian technical support contingent in that mission 255. Resolution or (he National Assembly (No. 110/1996.XII. 19. OGy.) on the ratification of the Treaty on understanding, co-operation. and good-neighbourliness, signed in Timisoara (Temesvár) on September 16. 1996, between the Republic of Hungary and Romania 256. Decision of the Government (No. 2372/ 1996.XII.20.Korm.) on tis approval of plans for the Republic of Slovenia to establish a consulate general, to be headquartered in Szentgotthárd 257. 111. FACTS and FIGURES ON THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY - 1996 259-380. List of diplomatic and consular relations of the Republic of Hungary (the situation on December 31. 1996) 261. A summary relative to Lhe foregoing 297. Heads of Hungarian missions to international organizations (the situation on December 31. 1996) 299. Defence. Military and Air Attachés (and Assislant Military and Air Attachés) of the Republic of Hungary (December 31, 1996) 301. Commercial Counsellors of the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Hungary as well as Heads of trade representations and trade offices (December 31, 1996) 306. XXI

