Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1996

Act No. XXXV/ 1996. on the ratification and promulgation of the Agreement relating to the mutual protection ol classified information signed on October 25, 1995, between the government of the Republic of Hungary and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany 168. Act No.XXXVI/ 1996. on the ratification and promulga­tion of the Agreement relating to the protection of military classified data signed on October 13, 1995, between the government of the Republic of Hungary and the government of the Kingdom of Sweden 169. Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official Hungarian assessment of developments in the Middle East situation 170. M a y Decree of (he Goverment (No.64/1996.V.3.Korm.) on the Foreign Ministry's State Secretariat tor Integration Affairs 172. Address by Foreign Minister László Kovács at the session of the Ministerial Council of the Western European Union 172. Lecture delivered by Foreign Minister László Kovács at the conference of the Friedrich Eberl Found ai ton assessing the government's performance, over two years, in the foreign policy lield 175. Decision of the Government (No.21 19/1996.V.22.Korm.) in the matter of the Supplementary Agreement on the Second European Centre for Youth, appended to the General Agreement on the privileges and immunities of the Council of Europe, signed on September 2, 1949. between the government of the Republic of Hungary and the Council of Europe 18b XVI

