Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1996

February Address by Árpád Göncz, the President of the Republic of Hungary, at the conference, in Davos, of the World Economic Forum 137. Act No. VI/ 1996. on the promulgation of the accord, signed on November 6, 1992, on ensuring the special rights of the Slovene national minority living in the Republic of Hungary and those of the Hungarian national community living in the Republic of Slovenia 152. March Decision of the Government (No.2047/1996.III.5.Korm.) on Hungary's participation in the UN International Police Forces (IPTF) to be set up in Bosnia-Heryegovina 159. Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Allais (by its spokesman) on the official Hungarian position regarding the British-Irish joint communiqué 160. Addres by Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs André Erdős on the occasion of the official opening of the Information and Documentation Centre of the Central European Initiative (CEI) 160. Resolution of the National Assembly (No.23/ 1996.III.28. OGy.) on the ratification of the Traty of Friendship and Co-operation signed on September 7, 1994, between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Turkey 163. XIV

