Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1995
Foreign Minister László Kovács's address at the 50th session of the UN Geneal Assembly 357. October Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on establishment of Foreign Aid Fund. Address by President Árpád Göncz at the memorial session of the General Assembly to mark the 50th Anniversary of the foundation of the United Nations 365. November Statement declared by the Government of the Republic of Hungary on its stand relating the attemt made on the life of the Prime Minister of Israel 369. Prime Minister Gyula Horn's letter to Vladimir Meciar. the Prime Minister of Slovakia, in connection with the Slovakian Act on state language 369. Statement declared by the Government of the Republic of Hungary on its judgement concerning the injurious acts in the Federal Republic of Nigeria 370. Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its sopokesman) on the Goverment's position in connection with the agreement concerning East-Slavonia 371. Statement declared by the Government of the Republic of Hungary relating the Slovakian Act on state language 372. December Act No.CII/ 1995. on ratification and promulgation of the Agreement and its Supplementary Protocol between the member-states of the North-Atlantic Treaty and other states participants of the "Partnership for Peace" concerning the jucicial status of armed forces 374. XIX