Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1995

Appeal by Foreign Minister and Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE László Kovács to the parties interested in the Nagorno-Karabah conflict, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the cease­fire 238. Address by Foreign Minister László Kovács at the Council of Ministers of the West-European Union (WEU) 239. Act No.XLV/ 1995. on the promulgation of the Treaty between the Republic of Hungary and Ukraine on Good Neighborhood and the Fundamental Principles of Co-operation, signed on December 6, 1991 242. Act No.XLVl/1995. on the promulgation of the Treaty between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Slovenia on Friendship and Co-operation, signed on December 1, 1992..251. Act No.XLVII/ 1995. on the promulgation of the Treaty between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Croatia on Friendly Relations and Co-operation, signed on December 16,1992...258. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the privileges and immunities extended to the Organization of the Economic Co-operation and Develop­ment (OECD) 266. Foreign Minister László Kovács's address at the Spring session of the North-Atlantic Assembly 266. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary concerning the participation of the Hungarian Army in the UN peace-keeping mission in Cyprus 273. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary concerning the participation in the peace-keeping mission of the Multinational Forces and Observers in the Sinai­Peninsula, and on the conclusion of the relevant agreement.. 274. XV

