Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1994

Resolution No. 13/1994.(111. lO.JOGy. by the National Assembly on the ratification of the Basic Treaty of the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Italy on Friendship and Co-operation 150. Announcement issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs concerning a diplomatic step direct the Republic of Slovakia. .. 151. Resolution No. 14/1994.(111.18.)OGy. by the National Assembly on the 50th anniversary of the tragic events after the nazi occupation of Hungary 152. President Árpád Göncz' lecture at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland) 153. Announcement issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs concerning a diplomatic step direct the Republic of Slovakia... 156. Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) relating the official position on the attempt against the candidate for the presidency of Mexico 157. Resolution No. 16/ 1994.(111.3l.JOGy. by the National Assembly on mandating the Government for submitting the application of the Republic of Hungary for membership in European Union 158. April Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky's declaration presenting the application of Hungary for membership in the European Union 159. Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official position concerning the intention of the Republic of Poland to join the European Union 160. Informatory of Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) concerning the remark made by Roumania 161. XII

