Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1993

Resolution No. 86/1993. (XI. 17.)OGy. by National Assembly on the ratification the Main Treaty of the Republic of Hun­gary and the Republic of Slovenia concerning the Friend­ship and Cooperation 335. Resolution No. 87/1993.(XI. 17.)OGy. by National Assembly on the ratification the Main Treaty of the Republic of Hun­Parv and the Renublic of Esthonia concerning the Princinles CT J X O A öf Friendly Relationship arid Cooperation 335. Üoo^ln+J^^. 7\T/-> QQ/IOOQ (VI 1 7 inn.i K,- M^ti^K,^! i\v.ouiuuuii iiu. uu/ x űjü.^u. J. / . uy i\auuuai on the ratification the Main Treatv of the ReDublic of Hun­x gaiy and the Republic of Lithuania concerning the Principles ui i iiciiui_y jL\.eidLiuiiaiiijj din-i v^uupciauun auu. Resolution No. 89/1993.(XI. 17.)OGy. by National Assembly on the ratification the Main Treaty of the Republic of Hun­gary and the Republic of Latvia concerning the Principles of Friendly Relationship and Cooperation 336. Joint Declaration issued by the Ministers of the member­states participating in the Central-European Initiative (CEI).... 337. Resolution No. 92/1993.(XI.26.)OGy. by National Assembly on the ratification the Main Treaty of the Republic of Hun­gary and the Republic of Usbeg concerning the Principles of the Interstate Relations 346. Speech by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the Council Meeting of the CSCE (Rome) 347. Resolution No. 164/1993.(XI. 30.) by the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the realization of UN Security Council's resolution No. 883(1993) relating Libya ...352. XX

