Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1993

CONTENTS I. CHRONICLE OF EVENTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY 1-132. Calendar of events 1. High level visits (Classification according to functions from the Calendar) 95. Establishment of diplomatic relations in 1993. (Summary from the Calendar) 122. Presentation of the Ambassadors' credentials in 1993 122. International conferences and congresses in 1993 in which the Republic of Hungary was represented 124. II. DOCUMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY - 1993 133-164. January Informatory by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary (by its spokesman) about the Hungarian standpoint concern­ing the aerial attacks of the Western Allied Powers against Iraq 135. XII

