Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1992

October Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the XLVII. session of the UN General Assembly in New York 311. Resolution by the National Assembly on recognition of the obligatory jurisdiction of the Hague Tribunal (Resolution No. 56/ 1992.X.2.0Gy.) 320. Joint Communique on the first meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the European Community and the "Visegrád Three" (Luxembourg, Octobers, 1992) 321. Infonnatory issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the consideration of the termination of the civil war in Mozambique 326. Statement declared by the Government of the Republic of Hungary on its standpoint concerning the Bös-Nagy­maros barrage system 330. PLorocol drawn up and signed at a trilateral negotiations in London, concerning the Bős-Nagymaros barrage system ....330. Joint Communique on the summit meeting of the Heads of Government of the European Community and the "Visegrád Three" in London 332. Announcement issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the authorization for AWACS aircraf'ts patrol sendee in the airspace of Hungary 333. Noue m ber Information statement issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the standpoint concerning the state­ment of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Romania 333. XXI

