Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1992

Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jes/.ens/.ky at the meeting of the North-Atlantic Cooperation Council in Oslo 21 1. Address delivered by Prime Minister József Antall at an international conference with the topic of'Transfor­mation of Central and Eastern Europe" held in Budapest 224. Resolution by the National Assembly on the confirmation of the Hungarian-French Contract on the concurrence of opinions and frienship (Resolution No.31/1992.VI.12,OGy.) ...236. Resolution by the National Assembly on the confirmation of the Hungarian-Polish Contract on friendly and good­neighbourly cooperation (Resolution No. 32/ 1992.VI. 12.0Gy.) 237. Resolution by the National Assembly on the confirmation of the Hungarian-German Contract on friendly coopera­tion and European partnership (Resolution No. 33/ 1992.V1. 1 2.0Gy.) 237. Address delievered by Árpád Göncz. President of the Republic, at the UN World Conference on the Protection of the Environment held in Rio de Janeiro 238. Message sent by Prime Minister József Antall to the conference organized by the UNESCO and the Wiesenthal Center in Paris 240. Lecture delivered by Prime Minister József Antall at the conference of the German Industrial and Commercial Chamber in Nürnberg 242. Address delivered by Prime Minister József Antall at the meeting of the Parliamentary General Assembly of the Council of Europe (held in Budapest) 249. XVIII

