Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1992
Resolution of the Government on the implementation in Hungary of the UN Security Council's Resolution No. 748 on Libya (Resolution No. 1020/1992.1V. 1 5.Korm.) 187. Communique by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the enforcement in Hungary of sanctions ordered by the UN Security Council against Libya 188. Information statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the standpoint concerning the autonomy concept of the Democratic Community of Hungarians in Voivodina 189. M a y Speech delivered by Prime Minister Jó/.sef Antall at the summit meeting of the "Visegrád Three" 190. Joint Declaration by the leaders of the "Visegrád Three" (Prague. May 6, 1992) 195. Note by the leaders of the "Visegrád Three" addressed to the members of the Council of Europe (Prague, May 6, 1992) 199. Note by the leaders of the "Visegrád Three" addressed to the G-7 (Prague. May 6, 1992) 200. Statement delivered by the leaders of the "Visegrád Three" concerning Mac edonia (Prague. May 6. 1992) 200. Declaration of intentions delivered by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the states of the "Visegrád Three" concerning cooperation beyond the national boundaries (Prague. May 6. 1992) 201. XVI