Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv 1991

Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the first session of the Foreign Ministers' Council of the CSCE member-states in Berlin 235. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Yugoslavian situation 240. Communique on the XLVI. - namely the final - session of the Council of the Mutual Economical Assistance 241. Declaration by the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the re-establishment of the souvereignity of the country ....241. July Speech by Prime Minister József Antall at the final session of the Political Consultative Body of the Warsaw Treaty member-states in Prague 2-13. Statement by the Ministry for P'oreign Affairs on the situation in Yugoslavia 249. Address by Prime Minister József Antall in Wien at the 7th Conference of the Interparliamentary Union 250. Communique on the official visit to Hungary by Francesco Cossiga, President of the Republic of Italy 256. Communique on the official working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany by Prime Minister József Antall 257. Resolution No. 41/1991.(VII. 18.) OGy. by the National Assembly on the ratification concerning the Protocol on the abolishment of the Warsaw Treaty Organization 258. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs concerning the content of the declaration of 18th July 199 1 delivered by the President of Roumania 259. XIX

