Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv 1991
Statement by the Government of the Republic of Hungary on supporting the international response concerning the Iraqi attack against Kuwait 137. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs concerning the Iraqi missile attack against Israel 138. Joint Communique on the meeting of Hungarian-Czechoslovak-Polish Foreign Ministers 139. Communique on the conversation of the Heads of Government of Hungary and Austria 140. Communique by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on a diplomatic step toward Yugoslavia 141. February Statement by the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the arm supplying transaction between Hungarian and Yugoslavian foreign trade companies in October 1990 141. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the relation between the Republic of Hungary and Yugoslavia 142. Resolution No. 3/1991.(11.7.) OGy. of the National Assembly on the approvement of the associated membership offered by the North-Atlantic Assembly to the Hungarian National Assembly 143. Solemn Declaration launched by the Hungarian-Czechoslovak-Polish Summit 145. Hungarian-Czechoslovak-Polish Declaration of Visegrád 146. Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the Geneva meeting of the UN Human Rights Committee 149. XV