Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv 1990
August Communiqué on Hungary's participation in the meeting (at Venice) of the Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the States participating in the Duna-Adria Scheme of Cooperation ("Pentagonale") 221. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs concerning the Iraqi attack agains Kuwait 221. Statement by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the plenary session of the Vienna talks on the reducation of conventional armaments and armed forces in Europe 222. Government Declaration on the Iraqi attack against Kuwait 229. Decision No.68/1990.(VIII.14.) OGy.of the National Assembly to set up the Hungarian Group of the Interparliamentary Union 231. Speech of Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the "Europe Day" ceremony on the Hungarian-Romanian border (at Ártánd) 231. Statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs concerning the actions in Romania in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Second Vienna Award 234. Communiqué of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the consequences of the Iraqi attack against Kuwait 235. Communiqué on the stand of the National Assembly concerning the relationship between the WTO and NATO Member States ...236. Communiqué on the stand of Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee concerning Hungarian-Romanian relations (in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Second Vienna Award) 237. XXII.