Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv 1990

May Declaration of intent by the National Assembly to join the Council of Europe 155. Statement of position by the National Assembly concerning Latvia 156. Speech by Prime Minister Designate József Antall at the session (in Budapest) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Excerpts) 156. Policy speech of Prime Minister Designate József Antall at the session of National Assembly (Excerpts of foreign policy relevance) 157. Decision No.46/1990.(V.24.) OGy. of the National Assembly on the situation of the Hungarian minorities in the neigh­bouring countries 165. Statement of position by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Middle-East situation 167. Speech of Árpád Göncz, President a.i. of the Republic, at his first meeting with Heads of Diplomatic Missions 168. Statement by Prime Minister József Antall in Berlin after his talks concerning the FRG and GDR (Interview) 169. Statement by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at his first international press conference (Excerpts) 174. June Declaration by the parliamentary factions of the six Parties of the National Assembly on the occasion of the 70th anni­versary of the signing of the Peace Treaty of Trianon 190. XIX.

