Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1989

Address by Foreign Minister dr .Péter Várkonyi in Vienna, on the plenary closing session of the Conference on Security and Co-ope­ration in Europe (CSCE) 97. Declaration by Foreign Minister dr .Péter Várkonyi on the closing do­cument of the follow-up meeting in Vienna of the Conference on Security and Co- operation in Europe (CSCE) 102. Statement by Rezső Nyers, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Minister of State, on economic is­sues (Interview-Excerpt) 104. Statement by dr János Berecz, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Secretary of Central Committee, as well as Rezső Nyers, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Minister of State, after the talks ofHSWP-ASP 105. Communique on the visit to Hungary by Jarmö Wahlström, President of the Finish Communist Party 107. Communique on the visit to Hungary by Georges Haui, General Sec­retary of the Central Committee of the Lebanese Communist Party ' 107. Statement by Foreign Minister dr. Péter Várkonyi at an international press conference 108. Address by Károly Grósz, General Secretary of the HSWP, at the World Economy Forum in Davos (Switzerland) 109. Statement by Károly Grósz, General Secretary of the HSWP, after the conference of the World Economy Forum (Interview-Excerpt) .... 114. Address by Miklós Németh, member of the Political Bureau of HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, at the presidential session of the Hungarian Economy Chamber (Ex­cerpt) 116. Statement by the Committee of Ministers of Defence of the Warsaw Treaty Member States, on the proportion of armed forces and the quantity of weapons of the Organization of the Warsaw Treaty and NATO in Europe 117. February Declaration by dr.Gyula Horn, Secretary of State of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, on the established diplomatic relations between the Hungarian People's Republic and the Republic of Korea (In­terview) 120.

