Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1988

Declaration by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the catastrophe of a South Korean air-liner 129 Communique on the official visit to Italy by Dr. Mátyás Szűrös, Secretary of the HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commit­tee of Parliament 130 Communique on the talks at the Holy See of Dr. Mátyás Szűrös, Secretary of the HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Foreign Attairs Commit­tee of Parliament 131 Communique on the meeting (in Prague) of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Warsaw Treaty Member States 131 Toast by Károly Németh, Member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian Peo­ple's Republic, at the gala dinner in honour of A. A. Gromyko (Excerpts) 132 Welcoming address by Dr. Mátyás Szűrös, Member of the Politcal Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commit­tee of Parliament, during the visit of A. A. Gromyko 134 Joint Communiqué on the official friedly visit to Hungary by A. A. Gromyko, Member ot the Politbureau of the CPSU Central Committee and President of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union 135 March Communiqué on the meeting (in Havana) of the CC Secretaries for Foreign Af­fairs of the communist and workers' parties of socialist countries 139 Statement by János Kádár, General Secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Work­ers' Party, for representatives of the press (Excerpts) 142 Communiqué on the conference (in Ulan Bator) of the CC Secretaries for ideo­logical questions of the communist and workers' parties of socialist countries 142 Statement by Foreign Minister Dr. Péter Várkonyi on his official visit to the Far East 145 Declaration by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the talks between the Foreign Ministers of Hungary and France 148 Declaration by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian population 149 Declaration by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on American obstacles to the activity of the PLO's Mission to the United Nations 150 Declaration by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Iraqi—Iranian war .. 150 Declaration by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the situation in Central America 151 Toast by Károly Grósz, Member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, at the gala dinner in honour od Willi Stoph (Excerpts) 152

